Thursday, December 3, 2009

This week in class we talked about social class and how it affects our everyday lives. We tend to sometimes think that class doesn't control our actions and behaviors, but after studying different class's for a few days, I learned that our social class makes us who we are. In the video we watched today, we heard this ignorant "WASP" talk about his high-end social class. At first I thought he was kidding and making fun of himself. But as he continued to talk, I took him less and less seriously. He actually began to believe he was the best and superior to others. About a year ago I went to New York. I met this guy there who seemed to be normal... at first. He came off to be very wealthy and well-mannered. Of course, me being me, I stuck around and kept talking to him. I later then learned his family is part of the WASP community. I didn't really know what that meant until today in class. I always knew he was very rich by the way he presented himself. The way he would talk about himself in comparison to me amazed me. I had never talked to someone before who had purposefully talk to me as a person of less value. As an example, I told him how excited I was to work at my childhood camp this previous summer. Instead of responding with "Oh cool, how long have you gone there" or some friendly comment, he quickly turned the discussion back to him and how he would be spending the summer on the family yacht. Not only was I extremely jealous, but I was quite annoyed with the ignorance he presented. I have learned that different class's do play a large role in how we encounter others and really do teach us a lot about ourselves as well.


  1. hahaha wow that is really funny, the sad thing is that no matter how rich he is he will never be able to communicate with anyone outside of his social class because he was raised to praise himself and think of those who have a less income than his family to be inferior.

  2. I think its really weird to think that people are raised to praise themselves and to think that people who make and have less money than them just make their own family inferior. I can't imagine being raised to think that my family would be inferior to others because we had more money than other people but I think part of it is influenced and based on the society you live in.

  3. i agree with lauren that must be an awful way to grow up
