Thursday, November 19, 2009

This week in class we discussed deviance. We talked about the difference between the "Saints" and the "Roughnecks". We talked about how although both groups of guys did bad things, the Saints wound up getting out of the punishment simply because of their "clean" background. I thought about his this relates to my life and to me. I took this same concept and twisted it a little to relate to my family. In my family, my sister represents the Saints and I represent the Roughnecks (obviously). For example, when I do something bad, I instantly get punished. My parents know that there is no question about what I did and that I was in fact wrong the entire time. However, on the other hand, when my sister does something wrong, my parents wait a few days and then sort of "let her off the hook". She is typically a "good girl" so they never question her motives about being deviant. When this happens I get REALLY mad and just yell,"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE DOES WHEN YOU DON'T WATCH HER!!!!". The whole situation isn't fair because in the long run my sister is getting away with much worse things while I'm getting yelled at for little stupid things. This relates perfectly to the article we read for class. The people with the cleaner reputation usually get of a lot easier than the ones with the more shady background.


  1. In my family, my brothers is definetly the roughneck because whenever something goes wrong, he gets blamed even if he didn't do it. We all have this view of him that he is a troublemaker so no matter what, he gets the blame.

  2. haha.. this is exactly how my family is, my little brother gets off the hook on everything, while i get yelled at because i forgot to tell my parents that i am going to lifetime right after school. as if i was doing something bad.
