Thursday, November 5, 2009

Today in class we talked about different sorts of socialization and how in many situations we are forced to be built back up to a different person. It was interesting to understand the logic behind boot camps and how they tear one down to only make them stronger. I never thought of it like that. It was very ironic that we discussed this topic today because just yesterday my dad and I were talking about his situation. His story plays hand in hand with what we talked about in class. For almost 30 years my dad hasn't had 1 sip of alcohol. He had faced many life threatening experiences in his time before he decided to clean up. To this day, my dad attends AA meetings. Up until recently, my dad has increased his meetings from once a week to twice. I found it strange because he hasn't drank in such a long time, so why would he need to keep going? I asked him and he told me that the meetings don't only teach him to not drink, but they shape him into a stronger person. He then told me that giving up the alcohol may be the easiest part, but finding who you are and who you want to be can be the most difficult. It is amazing what these meetings can do to people. It has changed my dad from an unstable guy to a very strong person.


  1. your dads situation seems almost exactly like my dads. My dad has also been sober now for a while and still attends AA meetings, I also used to not understand why he still went even though he was sober.

  2. It is interesting how even AA meetings act as a resocialization tool. They teach your dad not only to refrain from drinking but also to act as a stronger person in general.

  3. it's kinda cool how the leaders of the group can take the people apart and build them back up so they can do better for themselves

  4. Wow that's amazing! Thanks for sharing and good for your dad!
