Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today in class we talked about what makes us human compared to animals and newborn babies. We discussed instinct and consciousness and how that makes up different. I later than thought about that relates to my life. Clearly, in class I expressed my love for dogs and how I get really emotional when something sad happens to them. Remembering back on a few years ago, I had this one conversation with my mom. I asked her if Caramel (my dog) misses his mom ever. My mom told me no because they don't have the same thoughts that we do. Today it class, everything made sense. Dogs don't have the same emotions we do. They don't see the difference between people and physicals objects. As humans, we are very complex individuals. We see the world differently than dogs. It's a combination or nature and nurture that make us who we are.


  1. First things first, love all your spelling and grammar errors. And secondly and most importantly I think that nature and nurture also go hand in hand. It's funny to actually analyze the differences between humans and animals.

  2. Gillian, nice relation of the lesson to your life.

  3. It's true..where and what we are brought up to be effects our emotions and how we express them.

  4. haha you get emotional over everything. and your right we are different than dogs in that we do get influenced by both our nature and our nurture in life.
