Thursday, October 8, 2009

This week in class we are watching Tuesdays with Morrie. Although we are not finished yet, I am really enjoying it. One of the main messages I caught from this movie is having no regrets. Mitch, the main character has lived his life to a certain point without expressing how he truly feels about the ones he loves the most. When he finds out Morrie is in his last few weeks, he makes a strong effort to visit him on a weekly basis and as time goes on he learns more about himself than he ever thought. Morrie taught him to always tell someone how to feel and that love conquers all. Morrie tells Mitch a story about his own childhood and how he regrets never telling his father how he felt about him. At that point in the movie, I took a minute and thought about an experience that was very similar to me. Growing up, I was always very close with my Grandma. I saw her very often and loved every moment with her. When she began getting sick I tried hard to go visit her but the visits became harder and harder because of the poor shape she was in. In my mind, I always wanted to remember her as healthy and happy. Slowly, I cut the visits down and to a point I rarely saw her. Eventually she passed and all I could feel was emptiness and regret. I had so much left to say to her and so many unanswered questions. She was my best friend and now she was gone. I learned a very valuable lesson though. I learned to live in the moment and embrace every opportunity or chance given to you, because things can be taken away from you in an instant. Many years later, left with no grandparents, I remain happy rather than upset. I think about all the good times I had with my Grandma and the memories that I will never forget.


  1. i think that the best way to learn about yourself is through others!

  2. Good for you - I think your happiness and good memories are how Morrie would want you to react.
