Thursday, October 22, 2009

This week we talked about socialization and the different influences we have while growing up. It was so interesting to watch a few different stories of kids growing up in troubled homes. It made me realize how much just simple interaction with humans make us who we are. No matter if it's just looking and being around other people, it forms and molds us to be, us. We then discussed how the difference influences shape us and how many of the qualities our parents have transfer to us. Because my dad's from Canada, I rarely see his side of the family. When we see them though, I find it so funny that so many of the same things I do, they do too. For example, when I'm in the middle of a conversation with someone I very frequently tend to zone out and not listen to anything their saying and completely forget what's going on. About 4 of my relatives on my dad's side did the same exact thing. Lately when I've been spending more time with my dad, I picked up on so many of the same things we do, that I obviously got from him. For example, he will see someone who he knows. Even if he doesn't know their name or remember how he knows them, he will stop and have a discussion with them for at least 10 minutes. I now know where I get my "shmoozing" from. I also picked up on my dad's stubbornness. When he has made his mind about something, that's how it is. And I find myself doing many of the same things. It's interesting though because my brother and sister don't do those same things, but have different qualities that resemble my dad in them.


  1. I think it's so weird how we've come to realize the similarities between us and our parents. They really have been the biggest influence on us. I have the same sense of humor as my dad and many other of the same qualities as he does. We're daddy's girls!
