Thursday, September 10, 2009

The other day in class we were talking about what groups we belong to. I found it pretty easy to place myself in different groups, but the hard part for me what to pick my main group. Both family and friends are very important to me. As much as I get frustrated with my family, I do love them very much. So that's an easy choice, right? Family is my main group. But when I actually sat down and thought about it, it's really a combo of the 2. I have the best friends ANYONE could ask for and they have really become a part of me. They are my sisters. I love and would do anything for them. They have been there for me in times of weakness and in times of strength. I never have really thought about how grateful I am to have such supportive friends. When Sal asked the question, "How do people view you?" that made me re-evaluate a few things. Do people see me as just the girl who is always with her group of 12 best friends? Or do they think of me as an individual who chooses to do what I want? I adore being with my inner group of friends but I wonder what others see it as. I believe groups are a beneficial to people because it gives one a sense of belonging. You know at the end of the day you can always lean on your best friend, or sister, or brother and know everything will be ok. 


  1. I felt the same way when we had to decide what our main group was hard to decide between family and friends because both groups are very important and influential in our lives.

  2. I also feel the same way. i felt split between my friends family and sports. all these groups make up who i am today. it was challenging to pick my master status too

  3. Its totally a combination of the two for me too. It's so nice to have both friends and family who serve as both friends and family! I feel very lucky, and so should you!
