Thursday, September 17, 2009

What are all the groups that Collogero belongs to? (Think in terms of the circles exercise we did in class.) Would you put him in Sonny’s crew, or would you put him and Sonny in their own group? What is Collogero’s Master Status? Why do you think so? Do you think his master status changes throughout the movie?

First of all, I want to say that movie was so good! I really enjoyed it. It was very moving. C belonged to many groups in then short span we saw of his life. If I were to put him in "circles", he would be a part of family, friends, love life, and the gang. I believe each one of these circles make up C, and without all of them he would not be who he is. Each group plays a large role on his life and who he has become as a character. His family has inspired him to never give up and always work for what he wants. They taught him the characteristics of a loyal and hard working American. His friends were there for him to relax with and be himself around. Although he sometimes felt superior because of Sonny, he always remained a good friend. His love life with Jane also plays a large role in C's life. He was going against the odds with dating an African American girl. His true personality came out when he decided nothing else matters but his happiness. He realized it isn't worth it worrying about what others think, as long as he is happy. This showed how brave C is. Lastly, but surely not least, C is a part of the "crew" with Sonny. At first he did not feel welcome with them, but over the years he learns to rely on them and know he can trust them. Sonny becomes a father figure, which is questionable whether that is a positive or negative thing. Overall, C had each group in the palms of his hands and it was up to him what group he wanted to embrace the most, or in other words, to chose his master status. In the beginning of the movie, his main status is 100% his family. He is very dependent on his father both physically and emotionally. He ENJOYS spending time riding the bus all day with him and really looked up to him as a hero. After spending a lot of time with Sonny, C's master group slowly changes. Although C still loves his family, he spends more time with Sonny and his "people". This may be C's way of growing up independently or simply his way of finding who he is. Regardless, C belongs to many groups and they make up who he is, just like how all of us belong to several groups that create who we are.


  1. I would agree with you on the fact that C really does belong to many different groups as we all do. He transformed majorly throughout the movie and I think that as we all go through our own lives, we transform majorly as well. We become a part of many more groups than we started off with. Very good Gillian!

  2. I agree..the groups that we're apart of depend on the society we live in and the kind of friends and family we have.
