Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today in class we talked about different norms around the world. We watched a video on President Bush holding hands and kissing the King of some other country. At first, I was like "Woah, thats awkward." But after being in sociology for a few weeks, I learned to take a step back and observe the situation from a different perspective. To us, this looked like such an odd thing. But to these people and their culture, this is completely normal. They hold hands and kiss to show respect for the new friendship. This relates to the fish bowl example we talked about in class. On the inside of the fish bowl, everything seems normal and acceptable. However, to an outsiders stand point, we tend to judge. Not only are we judging them, but they are doing the same thing right back at us. They may find is odd that we only show emotion to people who are special such as boyfriends/girlfriends and family. On a smaller aspect of this, I thought about something my family does that many other "typical Americans" may find "weird." Whenever we see our extended family we always do double kisses. We do kiss on one cheek, then a kiss on the other. From as far as a I can remember, that's what we do and it is completely normal to me. One of my friends once asked me why we do that. I didn't really have a reason, rather it's just something we always do. I guess it's sort of like a tradition, like each culture/ country has their own traditions to comprehend their norms.

1 comment:

  1. thats so different that you kiss like that to greet each it from a family members background culuture?
